Borealia # 2: entre dos mundos

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Author, Ilustrador, ISBN, Publisher,


Javi Araguz
Isabel Hierro


The second installment of this middle grade series halfway between reality and fantasy... In Borealia, things never turn out the way you expect! Although everything seems to have returned to normal... Ari's mother is still missing; Zeta, Ari's best friend, has stopped talking to him; and Mica has received a disconcerting message from the Connector of Multiverses asking for their help. After helping a very famous YouTuber escape from a party, Ari and his friends discover that, if they want to solve the mystery, they will have to participate in the Kosmo online tournament, a revolutionary Virtual Reality game that someone is manipulating from the shadows. To save the real world, they will have to explore a virtual world that is as crazy as it is dangerous.


Segunda entrega de esta serie middle grade a medio camino entre la realidad y la fantasía... En Borealia ¡las cosas nunca salen como esperas! Aunque todo parece haber vuelto a la normalidad… la madre de Ari sigue en paradero desconocido; Zeta, su mejor amigo, ha dejado de hablarle; y Mica ha recibido un desconcertante mensaje del Conector de Multiversos pidiéndoles auxilio. Tras ayudar a una famosísima youtuber a escapar de una fiesta, Ari y sus amigos descubren que, si quieren resolver el misterio, tendrán que participar en el torneo online de Kosmo, un revolucionario juego de Realidad Virtual que alguien está manipulando desde las sombras. Para salvar el mundo real, tendrán que explorar un mundo virtual tan alocado como peligroso.