For aunt Sophie, weddings are the perfect occasion to make herself up and look dazzling. Above all, she likes to put special care on her hairdo, that is why she visits Elodia's Beauty Parlor, to get her hair washed, dried, streched, frizzed, straightened, worked up and transformed into a fantasy building of several stories. It is so big, that anything sould be housed there...And provoke the most embarrasing wrecks during the party! Something like whathappened that saturday. A terrifying and colorful adventure among beauty parlor's hairdos.
Para la tía Chofi las bodas son la ocasión perfecta para arreglarse y quedar despampanante. Sobre todo le gusta poner especial cuidado en su peinado, por eso va con la señora Elodia, a que se lo lave, seque, estire, la haga crepé, lo extienda y lo sobe hasta transformarlo en un edificio de fantasía de varios pisos.